< Incubating Feminist AI > From paper to prototype
We are so incredibly proud of our <A+> Alliance’s f<a+i>r Feminist AI Research Network’s third cohort of projects, which include papers and now a series of prototypes that emanate from applied research funded by the IDRC.
AymurAI, a semi-automated prototype will collaborate with criminal court officials in Argentina and Mexico implementation, and deployment of AI technologies from the Global South.
by Patricia Peña, Daniela Moyano, Jocelyn Dunstan, and Catalina Rufs
Published: Jul 10, 2023
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.
In this phase of the project, we developed a tool for bias assessment in natural language processing, more concretely, in word embeddings and large language models.
Designing a system sensitive to the unique needs of a specific worker population can increase the likelihood of the tool’s usefulness and, by extension, contribute to crowd workers well-being and help them produce better quality work.
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.
by Cristina Martínez Pinto, Luz Elena González, Tatiana Telles, Alberto Navarrete, Norma Elva Chávez, Maya de Los Santos, and Saiph Savage
Published: Nov 01, 2022
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.
by Sofía Trejo, Hamlet Antonio García Zúñiga, Ivan Vladimir Meza Ruiz, and Gaby León Ortiz
Published: Nov 01, 2022
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.
by Ivana Feldfeber, Yasmín Quiroga, Clarissa Guevara, and Marianela Ciolfi Felice
Published: Nov 01, 2022
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.
We update here the section of the book entitled "Incubating Feminist AI", which originally included the summary of the first three projects selected in the homonymous call for proposals and now offers the final versions of the seven LAC projects incubated so far.